End of an Era

After nearly 20 years, Gilbert’s Fine Food will be shutting its doors for the last time at Easter.

The decision has not been made lightly but a perfect storm of ever-increasing costs, the inability to charge what our product is worth, and the difficulty of finding suitable staff (particularly bakers) has made continuing untenable.

We have traded, as Charlotte French Bakery and Lievito Bakery, through the GFC of 2006/2007; have moved homes a few times (George St, Marlow St, Farmers’ Market, Otaki St); have branched out (Albany St, Burns St and Highgate) and have weathered the storm that was Covid lockdowns. However, this latest recession is a step too far even for us.

As we bow out, we would like to send a few heartfelt thank-yous into the universe.

To our customers: without you, we – quite literally – could not have done this. We have had some amazing long-term supporters who have seen us at various stages of our journey and thank each one of you for choosing to spend your dime with us. Many have been loyal and made the trip to the market in all weathers; others have faithfully travelled to our Otaki shop. Your trust in us has never been something that we have taken lightly or for granted.

We thank our wholesale customers –cafés and restaurants, local and as far away as Wellington and Invercargill. We haven’t always been perfect but many of you have supported us for a long time.

Our team – all 100+ that we’ve employed over the period – have helped us create our amazing products, have interacted with our customers with a smile and have each contributed to the fabric of our Gilbert’s family. They have all learnt valuable skills along the way and many continue working in the wider hospitality industry.

A very, very special shout-out to Dana, who joined us when Gilbert’s was born in 2012 in a part-time role but has made herself indispensable as Esther’s right-hand woman. She has weathered many crises, large and small, and has been the most loyal colleague we could’ve asked for.

We have had much support from our various business networks, including our professional services providers (you know who you are!) and thank all our connections for their input over the years.

Last but not least, our friends and family have been by our side throughout. They have been our sounding board, free labour and much more. As it is with raising a child, running a business cannot be done in isolation and we acknowledge them and their input.

What our future holds is uncertain. Kevin has his “day job” as Dunedin City Councillor, and Esther will no doubt find something to keep her occupied. We’re both looking forward to catching our breath and recalibrating – running a business is not for the fainthearted.

We offer a large range of products including the following: